Women in PR Cymru is the first WPR UK Group and is a network to empower, inspire and support women in the communications sector across Wales.
Join us for our upcoming events – we look forward to seeing you!
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Supported by the CIPR and PRCA, it’s designed to offer mentoring and coaching opportunities, explore the barriers to leadership, provide a safe space for practitioners to build relationships and confidence and create a community on areas relevant to female empowerment and progression.
The Founders and Co-Presidents of WPR Cymru are Laurian Hubbard and Rachel Moss – their biographies can be found on the page about the WPR Committee Members.
Women in PR Cymru yw’r grŵp cyntaf o Fenywod mewn Cysylltiadau Cyhoeddus yn y DU sy’n rhwydwaith i rymuso, ysbrydoli a chefnogi menywod yn y sector cyfathrebu ledled Cymru.
Wedi’i gefnogi gan CIPR a PRCA, fe’i cynlluniwyd i gynnig cyfleoedd mentora a hyfforddi, archwilio’r rhwystrau i arweinyddiaeth, darparu lle diogel i ymarferwyr adeiladu perthynas a hyder a chreu cymuned ar feysydd sy’n berthnasol i rymuso a dilyniant menywod.
If you are interested in knowing more about WPR Cymru please contact: